Chaplain Laura made the announcement at our choir practice that the focus for resident feedback for the month of July is to be “our favorite hymn.” Actually, I have several “favorite” hymns, but the first one that popped into my head was Freely, Freely. When I was getting ready to retire from Northern Oklahoma College…
Category: News
My Love Song To Music by Jane Lepak
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye lands.Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing;Know ye that the Lord he is God: It is he that hath made us and not we ourselves;We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his…
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Religious Life
Let’s talk about the Brill Chapel here at Epworth Villa and Pastor Laura Glover. Simply put, the Brill Chapel is the spiritual center of Epworth Villa. Pastor Laura comes to Epworth from the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church. While she may belong to the Methodist Church, the services at Epworth are ecumenical and…
May Mission Month Concludes with Flood Buckets
As a noun, Merriam-Webster defines mission as a calling or vocation, or a ministry commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry-on humanitarian work. It goes on to define missions as a plural as organized missionary work. At Epworth Villa it is defined as caring for others – even those we may never meet…
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Epworth At Home
Learning more about the additional services offered to Epworth Residents and the community: Epworth at Home has always been here for us. Al and I have each had surgeries while living here at Epworth Villa. A registered nurse, physical therapist, and occupational therapist worked with Al here in our home. I have had two surgeries…
Jazz Night at Epworth Villa
Old friends, new friends, good food and good music, and no rain made for a great night at Epworth Villa.
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Health Services Receives Accolades
Epworth Villa has been named a Telligen QI Connect™ Community Quality Champion! Recipients of this inaugural Telligen QI Connect™ award. Telligen is pleased to present this award in recognition of outstanding activation by organizations located in your home community who have utilized relationships to recruit individuals and partner organizations to join together to focus on…