It seems every day we pass someone anxiously looking at their wrist to see if they are on pace to reach the coveted 10,000 steps goal. But is this really a goal worth striving for, or might there be something better? Professor Rob Copeland from Sheffield Hallam University performed an experiment comparing the benefits of…
Category: News
Certified Healthy Oklahoma Recognizes Epworth Villa
We are pleased to announce that Epworth Villa Retirement Community has met the criteria to become a Certified Healthy Business. Certified Healthy Business recognizes business sites that make a positive impact on the health of employees and patrons. Epworth Villa’s contribution in creating a healthy environment is important to the future of Oklahoma. There are…
Robin Mills, 2017 Edmond Teacher of the Year
Mrs. Mills spoke to the Epworth Villa Rotary Club about the blessings and challenges she has teaching deaf/blind students in the Edmond school district. She briefly touched on the current situation with Oklahoma teachers. The Edmond school district is lucky to have Mrs. Mills. Epworth Villa Rotary is held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday…
Concert Pianist Margaret Singer
Margaret Singer was born and raised in Crescent, Oklahoma where she received her earliest musical training and began her career as an accompanist at the age of twelve. After graduating from high school, she continued her studies at Oklahoma College for Women, where she was a student of Jacque Abram, the Artist-in-Residence. She continued her…
Casino Trip to Grand Casino in Shawnee
Residents rolled the dice and left everything to chance on our bi-monthly trip to the Casino!
St. Patrick’s Day with the Highland Mist Trio Celtic Band
Epworth Villa welcomed Highland Mist as they helped us celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. The members of Highland Mist met at church where they were asked to play a few different events together. They all love to play Celtic music, so in 2015 the trio Highland Mist was born. Now siblings Steven and Rachel, along with…
Epworth Villa Rotary
Our speaker for this meeting was Roland Herwig, fellow Rotarian. He spoke on his life as a young boy growing up in Germany during WWII.
Meet “Henrietta Smith”
During World War II, the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), U.S. Army Air Force’s program tasked some 1,100 civilian women with non-combat military flight duties. They were the first women to fly U.S. military aircraft. Their duties—to ferry war planes from factories to air bases, which often involved long flights across the ocean to England…
Women’s Coffee and Kimberly Hagen
Women’s Coffee welcomed Kimberly Hagan, from the Oklahoma History Center, who portrayed Henrietta Smith, a WASP Trainee from Woodward, OK. She talked about the War, the role of women, and the WASP Program in the 1940s.
Pianist Cole Millard and Xiaoyuan Cao
Cole Millard is a sophomore at OCU, doubling in piano performance and music education. Starting piano at age six, he has a huge passion for music, and he credits music getting him through every day. Xiaoyuan Cao (Nina) is a junior piano performance student from China studying with Dr. Sergio Monteiro at Oklahoma City University….