On October, 3 Epworth villa Employees received accolades from the Governor of the State of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. Anthony Bunch, Sherry Blose, and Jamie Bannon received the 2022 Governor’s Disability Employment Awards of Excellence.

The Oklahoma Human Services Developmental Disabilities Services website states:
“Our mission is to help individuals with developmental disabilities and their families help themselves to lead safer, healthier, more independent, and productive lives.
Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) serves persons ages 3 and up who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities. Persons served may also have other developmental disabilities in addition to intellectual disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, etc.”

Epworth Villa extends its congratulations to these three leaders and all those who help members of our team with developmental disabilities.” CEO Ron Kelley said. “We all need help at times, so we are glad to extend a special measure of that help to those with developmental disabilities. And not only do we feel good about providing help, but we are also the beneficiaries of the joy-filled work and kindness that these co-workers bring to Epworth. The Epworth Villa purpose of Enhancing Lives So People Thrive applies to ALL of those who gather under our roof. We value diversity in all aspects of our community. I congratulate our exceptional leaders for their willingness to nurture and welcome employees with unique abilities.”

Blose, Trainer/Mentor in Environmental Services commented “We all deserve to live full vibrant lives. I am blessed that I get to help our teammates recognize their talents and help them be the best version of themselves they can be.”
Bunch, Blose, and Director of Facilities, Eddie Taylor attended a ceremony on October 26th at the Governor’s Mansion in Oklahoma City where they received their awards.