Category: News
Recipe for Joy by Resident, Dianne Weber
Shout for JOY to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness;come before him with joyful songs. — Psalm 100:1-2 I had the privilege the last 38 years of my teaching career to teach at a Christian school in Edmond in the Kindergarten and Pre-K Departments. During my tenure, teachers took turns teaching…
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Hopeful Joy! by Rev. Laura Glover
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 This month we are going to celebrate “Joyful June!” My prayer this Pentecost was for the HolySpirit to reinvigorate my joy in life. I invite you…
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Project Transformation and Epworth Villa working together
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Joy in the Morning with Pastor Laura!
Knowing your Neighbors – by Resident Don Frost
When Gail and I moved into Epworth Villa from Arkansas over nine years ago, we knew no one here. We selected Epworth because we were impressed with the friendliness of the residents. We thought, “that’s the atmosphere we want to live in.” And we have not been disappointed! We found such an exciting variety in…