Having grown up by the sea, I am drawn to THE ANCHOR CROSS the Christian Symbol of Hope and Steadfastness.
Category: News
Why Epworth? by Nancy Z.
In 2006, our last parent was soon to pass on. Our only child, son John, lived near Oklahoma City with his wife Jamie and their soon-to-be five children. We loved our home in San Diego but wanted to be closer to our family. So, the search began in OKC. My husband, Bill had some teaching…
Meet Jimette!
Jacob’s Final Chapter by Chaplain Dwight
The character study of Jacob is a fascinating one. The Bible has a wonderful way of presenting all the heroes of the faith—flaws and all. Jacob is, in many ways, the father of Israel (his sons are the heads of the 12 tribes). Genesis 46-49 Jacob has one last journey….to Egypt. On the way, as…
Meet Delphine!
Jacob & Joseph by Chaplain Dwight
I like to joke that fashion sense is not one of my spiritual gifts. Let’s just say that I am indebted to my wife for lots of help in that area. I still have bad memories of a lime green leisure suit paired with a floral shirt. That memory lingered thanks to being featured in…
I can open the pickle jar! by Rev. Helen T.
Over the past few years, I’ve noticed that pictures of me look more and more like an an old lady, bent over at the hips and slouching with rounded shoulders as I walk. I was not happy and for the last couple of years, at least, I’ve tried to pay attention to my posture: stand…
Jacob Wrestles God by Chaplain Dwight
Recently, I started a character study. I’m continuing with Jacob as he is a fascinating one. The Bible has a wonderful way of presenting all the heroes of the faith—flaws and all. Jacob is, in many ways, the father of Israel (his sons are the heads of the 12 tribes). Jacob Wrestles God — Genesis…
I Found Peace Again
My Love for Brill Chapel started almost as soon as I moved into Epworth Villa, when fellow Resident, Jimette invited me to join the choir. I was somewhat adrift in regard to my allegiance to a church, because my long time and beloved home church was in the throes of dissolution and I felt disconnected….
OKC #7 Ranking for Retirement
Studies show that adults over the age of 85 experience a “life event” every 6 months. Many times this is a health event. Having access to good health care is an important factor in making a decision on where to retire. This article from the Greater OKC Chamber of Commerce shares how well Oklahoma City…