For 23 years, Cesar Flores’ sister petitioned for him and his wife to come to the United States from the Philippines. Finally in 2010, Cesar and his wife moved to the US. In June of this year, both Cesar and his wife will have been employees of Epworth Villa for 8 years. Cesar’s wife, Zenaida…
Category: News
Susanna Wesley’s Prayer Apron by Sharon Glasgow
By Sharon Glasgow Hidden behind the door of many homes is the reality of hardship. Secret things happen that few want the world to know. Yet, from some people (presently and historically) we are given the inside story, whether they want it told or not. A devastated home isn’t always apparent on first impression, is…
Oklahoma Council on Family Relations awards Epworth Villa
The Oklahoma Council on Family Relations gives an award each year for Community Service to nonprofits/businesses that support families in our community. This award is given annually at their state conference to recognize recipients who have gone above and beyond to support the mission of the Council in serving families in Oklahoma. Members on the…
Amusing Advice on Aging from Animals part 2
Elephants — Share your memories Elephants’ brains, the largest among land mammals at about 10.5 pounds (10 percent of their body weight, vs. a human’s 2 percent), are complex. They have the ability to grieve and elephants have been observed performing burial-like ceremonies. Elephants also have excellent problem solving skills; the well-known example of Asian…
Amusing Advice on Aging from Animals
Tortoises — Take life slow and enjoy the ride Tortoises are one of the most ancient creatures on the planet, living up to 150 years old. They average a speed of .17 mph. They’re not winning sprints, but they are highly effective burrowers and have evolved to survive harsh conditions. They can endure quite a…
Make Plans to Attend…
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday in the Christian Church is the start of the Season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is one of the more important observances, because it is the one day of the year when Christians think about their own death. While the Catholic tradition has practiced Ash Wednesday and Lent for many years, it has only…
History of Epworth Villa-Part 1
An excerpt from the “History of Epworth Villa:” In the third year of his tenure (1983,) Bishop John Wesley Hardt, a man of action rather than dreams, asked Dr. Charles Wells, Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries and Dr. Elwyn Thurston, Director of the United Methodist Foundations to explore possibilities of including such a…
Special Agent in Charge
Earlier this month, Kathryn Peterson, Special Agent in Charge of the Oklahoma City Field Office was the guest speaker for the February Women’s Coffee at Epworth Villa. Women’s Coffee leader, Sonie Liebler welcomed the guests. Resident, Marilyn Williams gave a brief devotion and offered the opening prayer. She gave thanks for the FBI and those…
Winter Film Festival
Resident Walt Lambert has set the dates and chosen the movies for this year’s Winter Film Festival. The Festival is slated to begin 2:00 pm Sunday, February 17th and run daily through Friday, February 22nd and will feature Robert Duvall in his Greatest Roles. Duvall was suggested by resident, Jimette McLean. McLean said that Duvall…