Epworth Villa had a lofty goal. The goal was to fill 14 baskets to be delivered on Friday, May 15th to area First Responders and Front Line Workers.
The give-back event was initiated by the Independent Living staff. They collected items such as peanut butter crackers, cookies, rice krispy treats, popcorn, crackers, jelly, peanut butter, bread, nuts, Gatorade, candy bars, gum, to go soups, honey buns, cups of oatmeal, dried fruits, individual packs of chips and nutrition/healthy bars. Residents donated these items, and some made cards to be included in the baskets.
Epworth Villa Residents have long been known for their generosity. These baskets were yet another way for the Residents to show their appreciation and support for those out in the community serving and keeping others safe.
The baskets were delivered to the following organizations: EMSA – Command Post, SuperTarget N. Pennsylvania Avenue location, Oklahoma City Fire Department Station 37, 16820 N. Penn Ave, Edmond, Mercy Hospital, Memorial Road location, Integris Hospital, NW Expressway, OKC, OU Hospital, 1200 N. Children Avenue, OKC.