Category: Assisted Living

October is National Physical Therapy Month

Celebrating our Physical Therapy Team at Epworth Villa, let’s meet Jeannie, PTA!

She has been serving the residents here for the past 9 years and celebrating her 26th year of being a therapist!
We asked Jeannie what she likes best about her job: “I like helping people and attempt to address the whole person (mind, body, spirit) as much as I can during the therapy process. I fell in love with working with the senior population because of the influence of my grandparents and the wealth of knowledge and history seniors have to share.”

A big thank you to all the therapists we have on campus! You keep us going, help us to achieve our goals and maintain our independence!

Signs: When to consider Assisted Living for your loved one part 5

This is the last installment in a 5 part series-Financial Safety

Families, Spouses and Caregivers should take note of the following concerning their loved one:

  1. Giving personal information to others
  2. Giving money or personal property away
  3. Buying excessively, forgetting they purchased something
  4. Letting others take advantage of them financially

If you notice that a loved one is experiencing a decrease in their FINANCIAL SAFETY, it may be time to call Epworth Villa and speak to one of our experts and let us help you with available resources.

October is Physical Therapy Month!

As we continue celebrating National Physical Therapy Month, meet Randi, PTA! She has been a therapist for 15 years having spent the last 2 with Epworth Villa.

We asked what do you love most about working with this population? “I love working with this population because I learn what is important to them in order to help my patients achieve their goals. It is amazing to see someone go from not being able to sit on the side of the bed alone to leaving here to go home just using a cane!”

Have you been helped by an amazing therapist? Tell us about it! To learn more about the rehab services at Epworth Villa, call us at 405-752-1200!

Eagle Scout with a Heart

Such a heart for service and love for his grandparents! Big thanks to Jonathan Blatt and the many volunteers! Read on:

October is National Physical Therapy Month!

Meet Travis Taylor, PT! He is the program manager for rehab services at Epworth Villa. Travis has been a therapist for 23 years and much of the team came to Epworth together in 2011 with some of the team members working together for 20+ years!

“I’ve worked in different therapy settings over the years, but always been drawn to caring for the geriatric population – it’s like reading a real-life history book, getting to hear and learn about their experiences, knowing that so many of them fought for the freedoms we get to enjoy today.”

Thank you, Travis for taking great care of our residents for 9 years (and counting!) If would like to learn more about the rehab services at Epworth Villa, call 405-752-1200!

Signs: When to consider Assisted Living for your loved one part 4

This is the fourth installment in a 5 part series-Driving Safety

Families, Spouses and Caregivers should take note of the following concerning their loved one:

  1. Fender benders, dents and scratches on car
  2. Restricting driving to small radius
  3. Getting lost, not recalling how to get to familiar places
  4. Fear of driving
  5. Asking friends and family for transportation
  6. A lack of regular car maintenance/lapsed insurance

If you notice that a loved one is experiencing a decrease in their DRIVING SAFETY, it may be time to call Epworth Villa and speak to one of our experts and let us help you with available resources.

Signs: When to consider Assisted Living for your loved one part 3

This is the third installment in a 5 part series-HOME SAFETY

Families, Spouses and Caregivers should take note of the following concerning their loved one:

  1. Hoarding papers, mail, or multiples of the same item in refrigerator or pantry
  2. Cluttered pathways, increased trip hazards or avoiding taking the stairs
  3. Lack of security/leaving keys in door, leaving garage door up
  4. Increased fear of being alone
  5. Pets being neglected
  6. Home maintenance undone, yard let go, services have lapsed
  7. Home is not clean, cluttered, laundry piled up

If you notice that a loved one is experiencing a decrease in their HOME SAFETY, it may be time to call Epworth Villa and speak to one of our experts and let us help you with available resources.

Signs: When to consider Assisted Living for your loved one part 2

This is the second installment in a 5 part series-ADL’S (Activities of Daily Living)

Families, Spouses and Caregivers should take note of the following concerning their loved one:

  1. Wearing same or dirty clothing, clothing mismatched or disheveled
  2. Frequent food spills on clothing or in home
  3. Smelling of urine/frequent bathroom mishaps
  4. Not bathing or grooming as frequently
  5. Increased falls, bruising, decreased activity, decreased mobility
  6. Restricting once enjoyed activities due to fear of falling or lack of motivation to participate
  7. Increased difficulty getting in/out of bed or chairs

If you notice that a loved one is experiencing a decrease in their normal activities of daily living at home, it may be time to call Epworth Villa and speak to one of our experts and let us help you with available resources.