Signs: When to consider Assisted Living for your loved one part 3

This is the third installment in a 5 part series-HOME SAFETY

Families, Spouses and Caregivers should take note of the following concerning their loved one:

  1. Hoarding papers, mail, or multiples of the same item in refrigerator or pantry
  2. Cluttered pathways, increased trip hazards or avoiding taking the stairs
  3. Lack of security/leaving keys in door, leaving garage door up
  4. Increased fear of being alone
  5. Pets being neglected
  6. Home maintenance undone, yard let go, services have lapsed
  7. Home is not clean, cluttered, laundry piled up

If you notice that a loved one is experiencing a decrease in their HOME SAFETY, it may be time to call Epworth Villa and speak to one of our experts and let us help you with available resources.