Of Astronauts, the Moon & Creation by Chaplain Dwight Magnus

One of my very first memories is being awakened by my parents at the age of five to witness history. Neil Armstrong was about take one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. All I remember seeing was a grey blob.

But from then on, I was an avid follower of the Apollo program, faithfully watching the TV coverage and drinking my Tang, so I could be an astronaut one day. While it turns out I didn’t have the right stuff to fulfill that dream, I still devour the coverage of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.

Along the way, I ran across a fascinating book: Rocket Men: The Daring Odyssey of Apollo 8 and the Astronauts Who Made Man’s First Journey to the Moon by Robert Kurson. It is the mission that gave Apollo 11 the ability to fulfill President Kennedy’s promise to land a man on the moon in the decade.

I appreciate one particular event of the Apollo 8 mission. On Christmas Eve, 1968, during a special TV broadcast at lunar sunrise, Bill Anders, Jim Lovell, and Frank Borman read the creation account from Genesis 1:1-10. That, for me, captures my wonder of space, God’s creative abilities, and my small place in the universe. I echo the sentiment of the Psalmist:

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:3-4

Take time today to praise God for his wonderful creation (including you!)  Chaplain Dwight

Amusing Aging Advice from Animals part 4

Zebras — Own your uniqueness

Each zebra has its own stripe pattern — no two are alike. Researchers hypothesize that zebras’ stripes help them hide in the grass, making it difficult for their predators to discern an individual outline to attack. Another more recent theory is that the stripes ward off pesky insects. Their unique coats set these mammals apart looks-wise from all other animals, but their hides also save them. The human lesson is to be grateful for the skin you’re in.

Our Residents at Epworth Villa are all unique.  Each person brings their own gifts and talents to our community.  What can you bring to Epworth Villa?  We would love to meet you and learn about your special abilities.  Come Visit us today!

Blue Ribbon Resident

Resident, Ann Sherrod attends Early Risers Toastmaster’s meetings. Ann is a Distinguished Toastmaster, has served as Area Governor, has been a past Toastmaster of the Year, and was a finalist in six district speech contests. Recently at a meeting, Ann spoke on what Independence Day means to her.  She won the blue ribbon for best Table Topics speaker.  Congratulations Ann! (Ann is pictured with World Champion Speaker Dave Ross.)

Life Long Learners at Epworth Villa

Many of Epworth Villa Residents are life long learners. We are proud to be associated with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Oklahoma State University. Funded by the Bernard Osher Foundation, the Institutes are found on the campuses of 122 colleges and universities across the United States, with at least one in every state. Each provides a distinctive array of non-credit courses and activities specifically developed for seasoned adults aged 50 or older who are interested in learning for the joy of learning. A wide range of classes are offered each semester at various locations around Oklahoma, including Oklahoma City, with at least two classes meeting at Epworth Villa.

There are also “Inquiring Minds” Classes.  They are moderated by a Resident.  They will start back up in September with Comparative Religions for 4 weeks.  Then another Resident will lead an 8 week study on Winston Churchill.

The Write Group meets on the second and fourth Friday each month.  There are new writing prompts for each session  this month included: Writing about something humble or surprising or unique that you find beautiful or writing about a favorite meal to cook or prepare.  The Write Group provides an opportunity to develop writing skills and to share with others in a friendly environment. OCU Professor Rob Roensch leads this group.

The acquisition of knowledge doesn’t end with retirement.  There is always so much to do and learn at Epworth Villa. You can choose to do as little or as much as you like.

June is Brain Health Month

The Benefits of Exercise: Now and in the Future
By Blaine Jackson, NASM-CPT (Blaine Jackson is the Wellness Coordinator for Epworth Villa)

Don’t look for instant weight loss or muscle tone, but many benefits are instantly noticeable.

How many people set a New Year’s resolution to attend the gym more often? Sadly, most new exercisers quit within six months of starting a program, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Expecting immediate results in the form of muscle tone or weight loss makes it easy to go back to old habits when goals take longer than you’d like. Setting reasonable expectations at the start may help you stick with your program long enough to reap exercise’s benefits — immediate ones and ones that you’ll see over time.

Immediate Benefits of Exercise: Improved Mood and More.

When you begin exercising, bodily changes occur within seconds. Your heart rate speeds up and extra blood is delivered to your muscles. Your metabolic machinery gets into action right away, increasing the rate of calories you burn. This provides the extra nutrient and oxygen needs of your active muscles. A great byproduct of this is improved mood. Your brain releases a number of different feel-good neurotransmitters — brain chemicals — including endorphins and serotonin, also known for its role in mood and depression. In fact, short, 10-minute bouts of activity improve focus and concentration. You will also quickly sleep better, feel better, have more energy and be less stressed. And also be aware that although weight loss takes time, blood fats like triglycerides drop after just one exercise session.

After a Week or Two: Weight Loss, Tone and Flexibility

When you implement a regular exercise regime, you can see a difference in the numbers on the scale in as little as a week. If you combine your physical activity with healthy eating changes and reasonable calorie consumption, you will see bigger weight loss.

Keep in mind that in order to lose a pound of fat you need to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories. So to lose a pound in a week you’ll need to either cut out 500 calories a day, burn 500 extra calories a day or do a combination of eating less and moving more.

If you’re striving for greater flexibility, a week of stretching should enable you to feel more limber and agile. Consistent strength training for the entire body practiced alongside cardio and eating a healthy diet can show the beginnings of muscle definition in as little as two weeks

Within Three Weeks: Cardiovascular Benefits

Pushing yourself with cardio four to five days a week should start to produce major changes within two to three weeks. When you exercise, heart rate increases to circulate more oxygen (via the blood) at a quicker pace. The more you exercise, the more efficient the heart becomes at this process, so you can work out harder and longer. Eventually, this lowers resting heart rate in fit people. An average adult’s heart beats between 60 to 100 beats per minute, while a trained athlete may have a resting heart rate as low as 40 to 60 bpm. In addition, the growth of new blood vessels leads to a decrease in blood pressure as you become more fit.

Long-Term Benefits of Exercise

The impact of exercise doesn’t change if you’re over 50, either. The body responds similarly regardless of age. Research studies on the benefits of weight training show that those in their 70’s and 80’s experience the same 20 percent increase in strength after just eight weeks.

Despite slow-to-see changes in the mirror, the inside of your body and the health enhancements experienced by your key body organs come on quickly. So while weight loss and muscle tone may be your initial motivation, continuing a regular exercise and overall healthy lifestyle routine is vital to maintain the improvements you gain.

Regular physical activity not only helps you feel and look younger but helps you stay independent longer, too. Exercise also lowers your risk for a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, obesity and high blood pressure. Regular exercise can also help prevent loss of bone mass and can help improve balance, actually reducing the risk of falling.

In addition, older adults (55 to 74 years) with good cardiovascular fitness show increased brain activity patterns in regions of the brain associated with typical age-related decline along with better memory

While changes in hormones, metabolism, bone density and muscle mass decline with age, you can still have a sense of accomplishment from physical activity, and always know that a sedentary lifestyle takes a much greater toll on physical ability that biological aging.

Amusing Aging Advice from Animals part 3

Dolphins — Stay true to your friends and family

Dolphins are extremely social and form tight-knit groups, called pods, which range from five to hundreds of members. These aquatic animals are so loyal that they have been observed staying with sick or injured pod members. Dolphins can be friendly to humans, and there are numerous news stories of dolphins rescuing people from drowning and from sharks. Their sense of community and altruism exemplifies how we should approach relationships, which play a critical role as we age. Older adults tend to lose social connectivity after they retire or as their adult children move out of the house or start their own family, so it’s vital to maintain close ties with friends and family — our pods.

Many new Residents to Epworth Villa find a “pod” right away and stay connected or re-connect.  Epworth Villa – Enhancing Lives so People Thrive!

Employee Wins Van

For 23 years, Cesar Flores’ sister petitioned for him and his wife to come to the United States from the Philippines.  Finally in 2010, Cesar and his wife moved to the US.

In June of this year, both Cesar and his wife will have been employees of Epworth Villa for 8 years.  Cesar’s wife, Zenaida works in Assisted Living as a CNA, while Cesar is a CMA/CNA in Long-Term Care.  Before working in health care, Cesar was retired in the Philippines from manufacturing in waste water treatment.

In May, Epworth Villa held a drawing for one employee to receive a Honda Van, and Cesar was that lucky winner.  There were requirements to be entered into the drawing.  An employee could be entered if they were on time, had no call-ins and attended teammate engagement meetings.  All of those eligible were entered into a drawing and Cesar’s name was drawn.  President and CEO, Ron Kelly said that “the Honda van was taken out of service due to the purchase of a new, larger van.  By giving it to an employee, we felt that it could enhance and bless the life of one of our employees.  Our employees are our greatest assets.”

Cesar said that “Epworth Villa is so kind and generous to their staff.”  He said that he was “very lucky to receive the Honda van.”  Cesar’s mother is in her 90’s and uses a wheelchair.  He commented that this wheelchair accessible van was perfect for transporting his mother.  He takes her to the Edmond Senior Center for lunch and activities.  He said it has made it easier for their family to take her to Doctor’s appointments.  Cesar said that because of the gift of the van, “I am rich!”

Susanna Wesley’s Prayer Apron by Sharon Glasgow

By Sharon Glasgow

Hidden behind the door of many homes is the reality of hardship.  Secret things happen that few want the world to know.  Yet, from some people (presently and historically) we are given the inside story, whether they want it told or not.

A devastated home isn’t always apparent on first impression, is it? Susanna Wesley was married to a preacher.  They had 10 children of which, two grew up to bring millions of souls to Christ. That would be John and Charles Wesley.  It’s a powerful story if you stop there, isn’t it?

But, behind the door of her home, hopeless conditions were the norm.  She married a man who couldn’t manage money. They disagreed on everything from money to politics.  They had 19 children.  All except ten died in infancy.  Sam (her husband) left her to raise the children alone for long periods of time.  This was sometimes over something as simple as an argument.

One of their children was crippled.  Another couldn’t talk until he was nearly six years old.  Susanna herself was desperately sick most of her life.  There was no money for food or anything.  Debt plagued them.

Sam was once thrown into debtor’s prison because their debt was so high, which doubled their problems.  Twice the homes they lived in were burned to the ground, losing everything they owned.  It was assumed that their church members did it because they were so mad at what Sam preached in the pulpit!  Someone slit their cow’s udders so they wouldn’t have milk, killed their dog, and burned their flax field!

When Susanna was young, she promised the Lord that for every hour she spent in entertainment, she would give to Him in prayer and in the Word.  Taking care of the house and raising so many kids made this commitment nearly impossible to fulfill. She had no time for entertainment or long hours in prayer!  She worked the gardens, milked the cow, schooled the children and managed the entire house herself.  So, she decided to instead give the Lord two hours a day in prayer!

She struggled to find a secret place to get away with Him.  So she advised her children that when they saw her with her apron over her head, that meant she was in prayer and couldn’t be disturbed.  She was devoted to her walk with Christ, praying for her children and knowledge in the Word no matter how hard life was.

One of her daughters got pregnant out of wedlock and the man never married her.  She was devastated, but remained steadfast in prayer for her daughter.

In the end, she knew that one day her hard life would be over and she alone would stand before the throne of God and give an account of how she lived her life.

We can be the best mom, wife, friend, person in the world and still have untold hardships.  We need to take Susanna’s example, flip our apron over our head and pray in the middle of it all.

Back to the beginning of my story…

Her son’s John and Charles were powerhouses for the glory of the Lord.  John Wesley preached to nearly a million people in his day.  At the age of 70 he delivered the gospel message of salvation to 32,000 people- without the use of a microphone!  He brought revival everywhere he traveled!  His brother Charles wrote over 9000 hymns, many of which we still sing today.

Oklahoma Council on Family Relations awards Epworth Villa

The Oklahoma Council on Family Relations gives an award each year for Community Service to nonprofits/businesses that support families in our community. This award is given annually at their state conference to recognize recipients who have gone above and beyond to support the mission of the Council in serving families in Oklahoma.  Members on the council from around the state can nominate those organizations that they deem worthy of the award.

Board Member, Dr. Glee Bertram said, “We feel that Epworth serves the community well with education programs, services for those who are aging, and have worked very well with our organization to provide a wonderful venue to provide educational information about families to people across the state.”

The award was presented at the Council’s annual Conference, April, 5th.

Amusing Advice on Aging from Animals part 2

Elephants  — Share your memories

Elephants’ brains, the largest among land mammals at about 10.5 pounds (10 percent of their body weight, vs. a human’s 2 percent), are complex. They have the ability to grieve and elephants have been observed performing burial-like ceremonies. Elephants also have excellent problem solving skills; the well-known example of Asian elephant Bandula unhooking the shackles on her feet and then freeing other captive elephants shows a keen intelligence.

Scientists have found that older elephants are better at making crucial decisions, such as searching for food and protecting the herd from predators, because of their remarkable memory. We humans can look to elephants for inspiration to share our lifetime of experiences and use our hard-earned knowledge as leaders.

The Wellness based lifestyle that we offer at Epworth Villa can challenge you intellectually, physically and spiritually.  Our philosophy is enhancing lives, so people thrive.  We aim to add more life experiences and memories to each and every Resident’s life.