This week, five of our newest baby swans have found new homes. Cygnets as they as called can grow to 20 pounds by 4 months. Owen and Phyllis hatched this clutch on May 12th making these babies four months old and very large already. They have had a steady diet provided by their caretaker and employee Marla and have grown rapidly.

With their new caretakers promising a lovely new pond, four of the swans will go to a new home in Tulsa at South Shore Condominiums. At the same time, another male with the tentative name of “Romeo” will be joining “Ruthie” at Quail Creek Country Club here in Oklahoma City.

While we love the cygnets, they grow fast and must leave the nest. As always, #owenandphyllis have been great parents. We are ultimately grateful to Marla for all her love and attention. She is such a blessing and loves these creatures so much. Resident Carolyn Taylor said, “Marla does such a wonderful job with the swans, and is so good to keep us educated about them. It certainly adds so much to our lives and enjoyment!” We are…………#thrivingtogether.