God Provides by Carolyn Walter

I was raised in Iowa in a Mennonite community, graduated from a Mennonite High School, and I was loved and nurtured by a large Mennonite family. Though my brother and I are the only two siblings in our large family, I have 28 cousins. Most all my family lived in the vicinity. Some were preachers, all were craftsmen, and women, and all were raised to understand a giving heart. FYI – Even today, the Mennonite Central Community has a yearly state fundraiser for handmade crafts to provide funds for disaster relief. Oklahoma has been the beneficiary many times as Mennonites worked hand in hand with Methodists in disaster relief. I can remember as a child playing under the quilter rack as the hand stitches were methodically placed for the next yearly sale.

Fast forward to 2014, Max and I moved to Epworth Villa. He had been a physician at OKC Presbyterian Hospital, and I was a retired nurse. We found Epworth Villa provided everything we need. That is the way I see God – God provides everything we need.

Even in this difficult time of confinement – God provides everything I need. My apartment is one that from my balcony every morning I can see the roof of Brill Chapel. At night, I see the light glowing from the chapel windows. The view inspires me to say this prayer every morning: Holy Spirit – Think through me – Live through me – Love through me – Thank you Jesus – for this precious day of life. Help me to stay aware of your presence with me. AMEN

“Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee.” Psalm 143:8