Peace at Christmastime by resident, Rev. Gene Spillman

Like so many families that I know, during the 1980s parents were still alive. Regularly, families on both sides were on our list of places to visit during the Christmas press between noon Christmas Eve and the end of Christmas Day.

In the heat of the season, I tried to visit grandparents in addition to my parents and my wife’s parents. It was my responsibility to include my role as minister leading the Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion in the list of commitments in these intense 48 hours.

It was always great to see all of those people, and for the most part, we celebrated Christmas in each of those places and everyone understood who we were as family, parents, children, and grandchildren. Celebrating the birth of Jesus and His role as Prince of Peace called me to look forward to the day when I would be able to know the “Peace of Christ” in all of the events of the Christmas celebration I worked hard knowing how to keep the relationships of family and the activities in that special time. It was years later before I realized how important it was for me to take charge of my relationship with God and live out my responsibility to keep “peace” in my own life.

Time and age and changes in roles and responsibilities have made finding peace at Christmas a little bit easier these days. In the spirit of believing that “Jesus is the reason for the season,” I continue to remember that it’s my responsibility to keep peace in my life, to search for the peace that God brings to earth all the time and especially during the Christmas celebration each year.

It’s still not easy to find peace in the busy time. I still look for the peace that God brings at Christmas in the time of celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace, Jesus.

Here’s an invitation for you to seek peace this Christmas season.

Epworth Villa Leaders Receive State Awards

On October, 3 Epworth villa Employees received accolades from the Governor of the State of Oklahoma and the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. Anthony Bunch, Sherry Blose, and Jamie Bannon received the 2022 Governor’s Disability Employment Awards of Excellence.

The Oklahoma Human Services Developmental Disabilities Services website states:

​​​​​“Our mission is to help individuals with developmental disabilities and their families help themselves to lead safer, healthier, more independent, and productive lives.

Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) serves persons ages 3 and up who have a primary diagnosis of intellectual disabilities.  Persons served may also have other developmental disabilities in addition to intellectual disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, etc.”

Epworth Villa extends its congratulations to these three leaders and all those who help members of our team with developmental disabilities.” CEO Ron Kelley said. “We all need help at times, so we are glad to extend a special measure of that help to those with developmental disabilities.  And not only do we feel good about providing help, but we are also the beneficiaries of the joy-filled work and kindness that these co-workers bring to Epworth. The Epworth Villa purpose of Enhancing Lives So People Thrive applies to ALL of those who gather under our roof. We value diversity in all aspects of our community. I congratulate our exceptional leaders for their willingness to nurture and welcome employees with unique abilities.”

Blose, Trainer/Mentor in Environmental Services commented “We all deserve to live full vibrant lives. I am blessed that I get to help our teammates recognize their talents and help them be the best version of themselves they can be.”

Bunch, Blose, and Director of Facilities, Eddie Taylor attended a ceremony on October 26th at the Governor’s Mansion in Oklahoma City where they received their awards.

How Do you Do? -Rev. Burrel McNaught

Therefore encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
1 Thessalonians 15:2

A friend in one of our congregations said his favorite song was Louis Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World.” Jim was such a positive, loving, caring guy, and I expected his “favorite song” to be a hymn. I listened to Armstrong’s rendition, and I understood why it is so appealing. People greet one another with the words, “How do you do?” What they’re really saying, according to the song, is “I love you.”
When we greet one another here at Epworth Villa, we’re not likely to say, “I love you.” It’s just too loaded with romantic and sentimental implications and prone to be misinterpreted. We’d rather use other words. (Choose your own.) I do believe in greeting people and calling them by name when I can remember—or see their name tag. I’m convinced there is no sound more welcome to most folks than the sound of their own name spoken in a loving, caring way.

Soon after we moved to Epworth Villa, over ten years ago, I decided that as much as I loved the facilities, staff, and services provided, what makes Epworth Villa so very special are the people who live here. I still believe that. The people who live here care for each other. It happens every day in so many ways. We can all offer a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, and a heartfelt prayer. It makes a difference. Let’s not underestimate the difference we can make in someone else’s life.

Upscale Dining!

Lobster? Um….YES PLEASE!!!!

Redbud Menu

This week the meals served in our fine dining restaurant, the Redbud will be extra special. It’s all about Lobster and Cheesecake! Chef Eddie Hartwick and Dining Services Manager and Chef, Jamie Bannon will provide an exquisite upscale dining experience for residents and their guests in the Redbud Thursday and Friday night. Just take a look at the menu. The Redbud rivals any fine dining restaurant in OKC.

Chef Jamie
Chef Eddie

Also, this month’s resident recipe contest winner is Jean White with her Cheesecake recipe. It will be on the Bistro Buffet on the weekends and served in the Redbud Thursday and Friday nights! And if you have a really sweet tooth, you can take home a piece of John the Baker’s coconut cream pie!

Epworth Villa – Welcome to life your way!

Farewell Baby Swans

This week, five of our newest baby swans have found new homes. Cygnets as they as called can grow to 20 pounds by 4 months. Owen and Phyllis hatched this clutch on May 12th making these babies four months old and very large already. They have had a steady diet provided by their caretaker and employee Marla and have grown rapidly.

With their new caretakers promising a lovely new pond, four of the swans will go to a new home in Tulsa at South Shore Condominiums. At the same time, another male with the tentative name of “Romeo” will be joining “Ruthie” at Quail Creek Country Club here in Oklahoma City.

While we love the cygnets, they grow fast and must leave the nest. As always, #owenandphyllis have been great parents. We are ultimately grateful to Marla for all her love and attention. She is such a blessing and loves these creatures so much. Resident Carolyn Taylor said, “Marla does such a wonderful job with the swans, and is so good to keep us educated about them. It certainly adds so much to our lives and enjoyment!” We are…………#thrivingtogether.