October Series: Faith

Living by Faith

The writer of Hebrews defines faith as “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

Almost everyone lives by faith although they may not be conscious they are doing so; however, not everyone has their faith rooted in God. Some go to sleep at night believing they will wake up in the morning, and the sun will be shining because they have faith in the laws of nature. Others get sick but trust that they will recover because they have faith in their doctors, drugs, or the strength of their health. Even lawbreakers have faith in their ability to get by without being caught.

On the other hand, faith that is rooted in God is based on two foundations. . . first, that there is a God who is the creator of all things, and secondly, that He can be trusted to keep his promises.


  • By faith we can be saved from sin by God’s abundant grace.
  • By faith we can trust God to provide for all our needs.
  • By faith we know that God will work for our good in every circumstance we face.
  • By faith we can come into God’s presence through prayer at any and all times.
  • By faith we can overcome the temptation to do wrong and lead a victorious life.
  • By faith we can look forward to new life in an eternal home in heaven when our earthly journey
  • ends.

In fact, it is impossible to please God without faith, and it is equally impossible to live
peacefully, joyfully, and hopefully at all times without faith in the living God.

The question isn’t whether we are living by faith, but is our faith rooted and grounded in God who
is “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within
us.” (Ephesians 3:20)