Signs: When to consider Assisted Living for your loved one

This is the first installment in a 5 part series-Medical Safety

Families, Spouses and Caregivers should take note of the following concerning their loved one:

  • Taking medications incorrectly, skipping doses, re-ordering, picking up on time, over medicating, not following Dr. orders for duration/frequency
  • New medical diagnosis/chronic conditions-UTI’s, diabetes, Parkinson’s, arthritis, heart issues, COPD, skin tears, wounds
  • Frequent visits to the doctor/missed Dr. visits or neglecting self-care
  • Frequent ER visits
  • Weight loss/decreased nutrition/dehydration
  • Depression, loneliness, self-isolation, decreased socialization
  • Increased number of calls to family with anxiety, forgetfulness, repetitive questions

If you notice that a loved one is experiencing a decrease in their medical safety at home, it may be time to call Epworth Villa and speak to one of our experts and let us help you with available resources.